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Which industries will be most impacted by the Internet of Things in the future?

Which industries will be most impacted by the Internet of Things in the future?

There are several studies and experiments being carried out by companies that intend to expand the possibilities offered by this technology.
Internet of Things

How Will the Internet of Things Affect Us in the Future?

As we have seen, there are many impressive examples that the Internet of Things has offered throughout our daily lives. The good news is that this process is just beginning. Currently, there are several studies and experiments being carried out by companies that intend to expand the possibilities offered by this technology. There are specific areas that will be highly impacted in the future with the Internet of Things. Check out some below.


Safety is one of the biggest concerns in society today. Law violations are increasingly planned down to the smallest detail, and to try to prevent and combat these Evils ERP, the Internet of Things has solutions that can help.

This technological advance coupled with the security area allows for the creation of surveillance tools that go beyond the famous surveillance cameras. With smart devices it is possible to identify suspects through facial recognition, for example. Thus, it is possible to have greater agility and assertiveness in fighting crime.


Healthcare is also among the areas that will be most impacted by the Internet of Things in the future. Health institutions such as hospitals and clinics intend to increase their database about patients in order to offer better quality and increasingly personalized services.

In this sense, the Internet of Things will allow the development of connected devices that offer an emergency care dashboard with access to patient history, making it possible to obtain information such as allergies and chronic diseases to offer the best treatment.


The future of education is entirely linked to the Internet of Things. This has to do with the growing interconnection between the knowledge society and computerization. For example, today it is possible to find a number of platforms that offer online courses and numerous information available on the internet on various subjects.

But the Internet of Things can offer much more than just teaching models and the way people access content online. It can also transform digital inclusion, developing objects through smartphones and tablets that facilitate learning.


For some entrepreneurs, the Internet of Things is only about what is done in the information technology sector of the company, but this reality has changed the daily life of other departments. In the future, sectors such as human resources and finance will be able to have solutions resolved thanks to the integration of data and equipment through the Internet of Things.

This technology will allow you to evaluate performance metrics and control the information collected in different databases, both internal and external to the company. In addition, areas such as marketing, sales and customer support will also have a high change.

New channels of interaction with the customer will be the trend for the coming years, allowing customers to have more opportunities to find what they need at any time. Another business sector that will see good growth with the assimilation of Internet of Things technologies is retail. Below you will learn about some of the most interesting applications for this sector.


In conclusion, the Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to revolutionize various aspects of our lives in the future, including within the context of Elvis ERP. From enhancing safety through advanced surveillance tools to improving healthcare with personalized patient data, IoT will play a pivotal role in optimizing processes within Elvis ERP. The future of education will see IoT fostering digital inclusion and transforming learning methods, potentially integrating with Elvis ERP’s educational solutions. In the business world, IoT integration will extend beyond IT to impact human resources, finance, marketing, sales, and customer support, offering new channels for customer interaction within the ERP system. Retail, in particular, stands to benefit greatly from IoT applications, potentially enhancing Elvis ERP’s retail solutions. As we move forward, the potential of IoT to reshape and optimize processes within Elvis ERP is both exciting and promising.


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