Employee Management

The solution to your employee management problems with features such as department wise staff set-up and payroll management
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Simplify HR processes and boost your productivity with the Employee Management module

It is a tedious task to optimize the various aspects of employee management manually regardless of the size of the institution. Therefore an automated system such as Elvis Education ERP can help with a multitude of tasks ranging from employee onboarding to payroll. Account reports, payroll, faculty management are all kept secured and organised to create an error free and efficient environment for your institution. Staff management module is used for the operation of all the faculty members. It contains their particulars, personal information, subjects, laboratory specialization, etc.

No matter the size of your institution, get the right system for your needs

There are various facilities provided by campuses and all other educational institutions. To have the facilities is not the only important aspect, but to manage them fully is also essential. There are classrooms, seminar halls, auditorium, playgrounds etc. provided for the students and facility module keeps a check on all of them. It maintains various records including the capacity of each facility and various scheduling for their use, including the staff seating arrangement.

Employee Management taken to the next level

Managing employees is a difficult task, regardless of the size of the institution. From faculty to non-teaching staff, efficient management is crucial for a smooth, productive and hassle-free working of the institution.

Elvis Education ERP is the perfect solution to take employee management to the next level. Success stories from educational institutions in Malaysia, India, Canada, Australia and Saudi Arabia.

Features of Employee Management Module

There are numerous features of the Employee Management Module that enhance and increase efficiency and technology such as:

- Maintains the current and past schedules
- Allocation of substitute faculty
- Proper record management and modifications available
- Reduces paperwork and creates accurate data
- Department wise HOD, faculty and non-teaching staff set-up
- Intra-department and inter-department communication platforms
- Designation and role-based access available for department and faculty information

Utilise Elvis Education ERP and get amazing management results with the various customisable modules available.

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