Learning Management Software

Assures improvement in your training program with Elvis Learning Management Software
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Best Learning Management Software (LMS) in Malaysia

Learning management software will keep students informed, involved, and collaborating together. Through our course management systems, services, and expertise, our LMS works to build a better education experience.

Through this learning management system, students can share books online, share their ideas through discussion platforms, and learn using the course materials.

This LMS allows teachers or other faculty analyse student learning, performance status and more. Also, teachers can schedule exams and homework to students through Elvis Education ERP Software.

The faculty can upload new syllabus, reference links for new chapters, new exam questions with Elvis LMS. They can also get various reports like student performance, speed of learning etc. directly from this course management system.

learning management system

Course Management System

Institutions can make a course calendar in Elvis course management system. With this, students can understand the course details very easily and can select the interested course. Also, students can send request for registration of the courses they are interested in.

The institution or faculty can send notifications or reminders to students regrading upcoming classes. They can also upload assignments to students in Elvis LMS.

In Elvis course management system, a student can upload academic videos or blogs. These blogs or videos can be published in Elvis LMS after the approval of the faculty. A student can also suggest some useful reference links applicable to their courses.

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